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Showing articles from Bladder tag

How to calculate ounces vs liters for hydration?

Hydration in Liters We all have different hydration needs. But, generally: * 75% of what you drink should be water * Women should drink at least 1.6 liters * Men Should drink at least 2.0 liters To calculate the amount of water you should drink daily, follow the steps below: * Multiply your weight in kil…

Who is eligible to join Nymbl?

Interested in joining Nymbl? Thank you for your interest in Nymbl! Who is eligible to join Nymbl? Let's find out how to get you signed up and started toward improving your mobility. Eligibility Requirements: * Nymbl is available to older adults through selected Medicare Advantage health and life insurance pla…

What is Nymbl?

What is Nymbl? Nymbl is a fun, personalized, and scientifically proven balance training program that can improve your balance using only your phone or tablet with internet access! With Nymbl, you can stay active and improve your balance in just 10 minutes a day - while having fun! Whether you’re seated or standin…

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