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Showing articles from Pain tag

Pausing Nymbl

Considering pausing Nymbl due to health concerns or taking a vacation? We understand that everyone needs some time off and we want to support your well-being. Rest assured that when you decide to resume your balance training, Nymbl will be there for you. Your progress and data will be saved, so you can pick up right…

Exercise is too challenging

Is an exercise too challenging? It's important to prioritize your comfort and safety during exercise to avoid any pain or discomfort. If you find that an exercise in Nymbl Training is too challenging, there are a few things you can do. You Can: * Modify the exercise: You can modify exercises to make them mor…

Do you experience pain while doing nymbl balance?

Do You Experience Pain While Doing Nymbl Training? If you experience pain while doing your Nymbl balance training, you can try modifying your exercises. Here's how:  How to Modify Balance Exercises However, if your pain makes it hard for you to be active, a more personalized approach could help.  Nymbl and L…

Who is eligible to join Nymbl?

Interested in joining Nymbl? Thank you for your interest in Nymbl! Who is eligible to join Nymbl? Let's find out how to get you signed up and started toward improving your mobility. Eligibility Requirements: * Nymbl is available to older adults through selected Medicare Advantage health and life insurance pla…

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