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Showing articles from Exercise tag

What if my balance is already good?

"What if my balance is already good?" Maybe you are already active or find that your balance is currently good. Is Nymbl for you? Nymbl is recommended for older adults at all physical levels. By completing a daily balance training, you can improve your balance and ultimately reduce your risk of falling th…

Is it hard to see the exercise while playing a game?

Are you having a hard time seeing the exercise while playing the games? Nymbl was designed to improve balance by having you do exercises and play games at the same time. This dual focus encourages you to move while concentrating on the brain game, which retrains reflexive balance. Focusing too much on form or keep…

How many times can I exercise?

How Often Can You Exercise? You can find some information below to help you use Nymbl to suit your needs. How many exercises are there per training session? Each training level will have a different set of exercises. To provide a safe and comfortable training, the number of exercises in each session will cha…

Exercise is too challenging

Is an exercise too challenging? It's important to prioritize your comfort and safety during exercise to avoid any pain or discomfort. If you find that an exercise in Nymbl Training is too challenging, there are a few things you can do. You Can: * Modify the exercise: You can modify exercises to make them mor…

How to modify balance exercises

Are you needing to modify your balance exercises? As you progress through Nymbl balance training, Nymbl will keep you challenged to improve your balance. Sometimes, you may feel an exercise is a bit too challenging but you may not want to skip the exercise. If you need to adjust any exercise for your comfort, it i…

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