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Exercise is too challenging
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Is an exercise too challenging?

It's important to prioritize your comfort and safety during exercise to avoid any pain or discomfort. If you find that an exercise in Nymbl Training is too challenging, there are a few things you can do.


You Can:


  • Modify the exercise: You can modify exercises to make them more comfortable for you. For information on how to modify balance exercises you can view our article here: How to Modify Balance Exercises


  • Substitute the exercise: If a specific exercise is causing discomfort or is too challenging for you, you can substitute it with another exercise that targets similar muscle groups. This way, you can still engage in the workout without compromising your comfort and safety


  • Skip the exercise: If a particular exercise is not suitable for your current fitness level or is causing discomfort, it is perfectly fine to skip it. You can simply press the "Stop" button and select "Go to next exercise" to move on to the next exercise in the program. The "Stop" button is found on the bottom of the screen next to the green "Proceed" button. 




Remember, it's essential to listen to your body and make adjustments as needed to prevent discomfort during your Nymbl Training. Making modifications or skipping exercises should not hinder your progress, and you can still achieve the benefits of the program while ensuring your comfort and safety.


If you have any questions or concerns, our support team is always available to assist you. You can reach out to us anytime for any issues you may have. Be assured that we are here to help you in any way we can.

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Need additional help? Reach our friendly Support team by email, text, phone call, or live chat. See our Contact Page for information. 

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